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King Alfred’s Way - Cycling UK

354 km
220 mi
8,818 ft
2,687 m
8,902 ft
2,713 m

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Cycling King Alfred's Way is a captivating journey that offers cyclists an immersive experience through the heart of southern England. This 220-kilometer (137-mile) circular route, starting and ending in the historic city of Winchester, weaves through a diverse tapestry of landscapes, rich historical sites, and picturesque villages. Designed with bikepacking in mind, King Alfred's Way combines off-road trails, quiet country lanes, and ancient paths, providing a varied and engaging route for cyclists of all levels seeking both adventure and a deep connection with England's heritage.

The route takes its name from King Alfred the Great, reflecting its deep historical roots. As cyclists traverse the trail, they pass through key locations associated with this iconic figure and the broader history of England. Starting in Winchester, the ancient capital of Wessex and Alfred's stronghold, the route heads west through the beautiful chalk downs of Hampshire, offering stunning views and rolling hills that challenge and delight. The trail continues into the iconic Salisbury Plain, home to the world-famous Stonehenge, where riders can marvel at this prehistoric monument and ponder its mysteries.

Beyond its historical allure, King Alfred's Way showcases the natural beauty of southern England. The route meanders through the South Downs National Park, characterized by its sweeping landscapes, open fields, and wooded areas. Cyclists will enjoy the serene beauty of these rolling hills, dotted with wildflowers in spring and summer. The trail also traverses the North Wessex Downs, another Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, where riders can experience a sense of tranquillity and remoteness. This blend of challenging climbs and rewarding descents, combined with the ever-changing scenery, makes for an exhilarating cycling experience.

One of the most appealing aspects of King Alfred's Way is its accessibility and well-marked paths, making it suitable for a wide range of cyclists, from seasoned bikepackers to those looking for a multi-day cycling adventure. The route is punctuated with charming villages and market towns, such as Marlborough and Petersfield, where cyclists can rest, resupply, and enjoy local hospitality. These stops provide an opportunity to sample regional cuisine, explore historic sites, and interact with locals, adding a rich cultural dimension to the journey.

Cycling King Alfred's Way is best enjoyed from late spring to early autumn when the weather is favorable, and the countryside is at its most vibrant. Accommodations along the route cater to various preferences and budgets, including campsites, bed and breakfasts, and hotels. This flexibility allows cyclists to plan their journey according to their own pace and interests, whether they prefer a more leisurely exploration or a challenging, fast-paced ride.

In essence, King Alfred's Way offers a unique blend of physical challenge, historical exploration, and natural beauty, making it a must-ride for cycling enthusiasts. This route not only provides an adventurous and scenic cycling experience but also invites riders to delve into the rich tapestry of England's past, connecting with the landscapes and stories that have shaped the nation. Whether you're drawn by the historical landmarks, the stunning scenery, or the joy of long-distance cycling, King Alfred's Way promises an unforgettable journey through one of England's most captivating regions.